Men's Offensive May Retreat

May 3-5 | Please fill out this form and click submit.

When - May 3-5, 2024

Where - Jeremiah 29:11 Farms.  3443 Choptank Road, Preston, Md. or 3280 Backlanding Road, Preston, MD.  (how cool is that...2 addresses to get you there)

What - enjoy a weekend of camping, fishing, hiking, fellowshipping, praying, eating. 

You don't have to be there for the whole weekend....if you are only there for Saturday, that is perfect. Just DON'T MISS IT!

What do I need to bring?

1. If you have any special dietary foods or medicines, bring them.

2. Some work gloves and work clothes. We do some small work projects in the morning. Split Wood, Paint, Garden....that sort of thing. If you can't make that nada. I could just use the help.

2. Bring your bible and a journal

3. Camping gear if you want to camp - We have plenty of room.

4. A chair just to make sure that you have a place to sit.

5. Appropriate weather gear. Oh yeah...pray for GREAT weather.

How can I help?

1. We will need guys to help with cooking and serving. We have a team of guys who are leading the charge, and don't want the cooking team to be lonely.

2. We will need guys to help with firewood to the camp sites.

3. We will need guys to help with trash collection, etc.

4. We may need guys with camping/fishing experience to help out those who are not as skilled.

5. If you want to bring drinks and snacks to that. Water is always good too!

6. If you have a cooler, bring it. Never have enough.

7. PLEASE put your NAME on anything that you want to bring so you go home with it.

Detailed Schedule


No planned events. Set up your tent and camp. Introduce yourself to anybody you see. RULES each other set up tents. We have LOTS of firewood. We have electricity, water and will have bathroom facilities.


6:00 - 7:00 - Coffee and Prayer Time. Join some men from around the DMV area in a time of corporate prayer.

7:00 - 8:00 - Breakfast: coffee, bagels, donuts

8:00 - 9:00 - Welcome by Dan

9:00 - 11:00 - SMALL work projects and some Break Out Sessions

           1. We will be splitting some wood (with a hydraulic splitter)

           2. Putting Tin on the Shed (maybe)...if nothing else, we will be doing some structural support work.

           3. Putting in a few windows in the grain bins

           4. Prepping the Barn for the Evening

           5. Garden Work

           6. Installing a washing machine in the garage (if someone donates one)

1100 - 1300 - Lunch and prayer time.

1300 - 1600 - Free time. Fishing (we have a pond with bass, bluegill, perch), biking, hiking, frisbee, learn to drive tractors if you have never done that. Or just relax and enjoy time with the Lord.

1600 - 1800 - Dinner.

1800 - 2100 - Barn Fellowship/prayer. Hear from some amazing godly men who will challenge you to go deeper.

2100 - ? - Fire Pit Fellowship. Camping


6:00 - 7:00 - Coffee and Prayer Time.

7:00 - 8:30 - Breakfast. Fellowship.

0830 - 1000 - Men's session, devotions.

1000 - Free time. Hang out as long as you want.

Please select all that apply.


May 3-5
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